Sending Love to Cabal Leaders Filled With Bisha, Part 1

Sending Love to Cabal Leaders Filled With Bisha, Part 1
In my latest post, I published a page on my site in the section of spiritual songs. It is the song “One Prayer” by Karl Anthony Spiritual Song One Prayer by Karl Anthony. The basic message of the song is “If I had one prayer, I’d pay for people who hate.”
Today, I want to bring that into context with the circumstance of our current world. I will also explain the title of this post, including what bisha is.
In the past years, I’ve learned many disturbing things about entities, such as cabal leaders, Central Banks, corrupt governments, the Triumvirate, the Rothschilds, the Rockerfellers. More recently, I’ve encountered similar things about big pharma, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and others. A good way for me to know myself is by witnessing how I respond to these things.
When I learn about the actions that have been taken by powerful entities and decision-makers, I usually first feel shocked the people would behave in such egregious ways. As I become more aware of the extent of the malevolence, I typically feel anger. It is easy for me to get stuck there. It is difficult for me to find a way out of this. At some point, though, I somehow get reminded of divine orchestration and my role in that.
One of the powerful tools which help me is my grasp of etymology and etymological context. Here’s an example. The language spoken by Jesus and by the people in that region at that time was Aramaic. In Aramaic, Jesus used two words frequently, khata and bisha. In the modern Bible, these two words are translated into English as sin and evil respectively. The simple, direct meanings of these words in Aramaic are not explicitly nor implicitly referring to something terrible. These words are archery terms. Khata means missed the bull’s eye. Bisha means missed the target altogether. The simple implication is to adjust your aim, it’s time to take another shot, time to do something differently in your life! I go into a lot more detail on this topic in my book, Christ Seed Explained, some info at Christ Seed Report.
If I view cabal leaders as evil or malicious, it’s easy for me to get trapped in anger. If I view cabal leaders as bisha, it’s easy for me to adopt a higher perspective, freeing up my mind, and allowing my loving energy to flow, not only towards healing of their hearts, but to everyone everywhere.
This is part 1 of 2. Please look for part 2.
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