Spirit Songs

Song seems to be a great way to elevate the spirit in my experience.
Here are some songs which have touched me and which might enrich your life.

I find this song to be inspirational. It is in Danish. The lyrics are below the video, along with a translation into English. For me, the message of the song is to cherish each moment of life and to take positive action.


I find this song to be inspirational. It is in Samoan. The lyrics are written, along with a translation into English. For me, the message of the song is that it is possible to perform enormous feats. Even though there will always be challenging circumstances which test one’s resolve, staggering goals can be achieved. This song is one more reminder to endure beyond one’s doubts, to maintain a strong will, to embolden and empower oneself, to find encouragement, and to tap into one’s inner strength.


Spiritual Song Thirteen Days Of Healing
This song is written by a friend named Rahmaneh. It is a rendition of “Twelve Days of Christmas.”


My lyrics for song Teach Your Children
I have had two profound experiences with this song. The first experience came near the beginning of my two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer. The second experience came recently while recovering from a bicycle spill with several minor injuries. While meditating, several realizations came to me. One realization was related to this song. An understanding of the song came to me from the perspective of God the father. I was overcome with gratitude and love for God which brought me to tears. Based on this new perspective, I changed some of the words of the song. On the right side below the song are my altered lyrics in red.


One Prayer by Karl Anthony
The message in the song struck me in particular way, so it has had a profound effect for me. I’ll let it speak for itself.

Who will you be when you unlock your potential?

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