Website Building and Maintaining

Basic Blog and Website Building Services

Whether you want help with a small blog, a big website or any other aspect of building your web presence, there’s no need to look any further. I will be happy to help you. I am experienced with various types of blog platforms and CMS (content management systems), such as WordPress, Blogger, Joomla, Dreamweaver, Frontpage, etc. I can also help you with managing templates for emails and auto-responders as well as managing themes for CMSs.


Intermediate Website Building Services

When appropriate, I provide Hosting solutions and/or build databases and/or write code using

  • HTML
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • JS
  • AJAX
  • Pascal
  • VB
  • C#
  • CSS
  • DOM

Advanced Web Traffic Services

  • Social Media
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization
  • Themed, Siloed Website Architecture
  • Web Presence Management
  • project DNA
  • market intelligence acquisition and implementation
  • market analysis drilldown
  • business DNA
  • theming
  • siloing
  • architecture
  • authortiy-engineering
  • theme-dominance
  • theme-synonyms
  • theme-clustering
  • theme-defining
  • theme-convergence and sub-theme relational structuring
  • statistically-improbable phrases
  • Latent Semantic Analysis application
  • content management
  • tag management
  • in-linking campaigns
  • blog rings
  • tier structuring

Who will you be when you unlock your potential?

Next> Learn about Website Hosting Services
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