Tech Services

Tech Services

  • Email
  • Find stuff on the web
  • MS Word
  • MS Excel
  • Use other app.s
  • Use cell phone and other technology
  • Email attachments
  • Manage photos
  • Edit (including pasting)
  • Print
  • Manage files and folders
  • Manage email folders
  • Manage passwords
  • Manage bookmarks
  • Manage plug-ins, add-ons, toolbars, etc.
  • Manage online accounts
  • Customize computer interface
  • Transfer email contact list
  • Manage contact list
  • Manage hosted mailing list services and autoresponders, such as aweber, Constant Contact, Mail Chimp, etc.
  • Manage finances
  • Online banking
  • Track medication or exercise
  • Organize info
  • Calendar and scheduling
  • Daily/weekly reminders
  • Resolve error messages
  • Removed unwanted programs
  • Speed up computer (sys. tray, defrag, etc.)
  • Clean up computer
  • Hardware issues
  • Habits and best practices
  • Security (anti-virus, etc)
  • Back up data
  • File sharing
  • Networking (wi-fi, etc.)
  • Use facebook or similar
  • Instant messaging
  • Texting
  • Create blog or site
  • Hosting solutions
  • Purchasing decisions

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