Follow Your Dreams – Part 8

There were many adventures which occurred in the following years. That is a different story. It is important now to point out the financial aspect of what happened as a result of my decision. Years later, after bicycling around the world, I returned to USA with more money in my bank account than there had been when I left Samoa. I still don’t understand how that happened. I have learned that it is important for me be diligent and to follow my dreams, to follow my heart, to follow my inner guidance, to follow God’s will. As a result, I seem to live in grace and to have my needs provided for by a loving universe and by a giving and loving God.

I decided to devote myself to my spiritual journey, which I have found to be more challenging than worldly bicycle journeys and athletic training.  I have recognized that living my passion and embracing life fully is very different from tiptoeing cautiously through life to arrive safely at death. I have found that a better way to measure my life than by the number of breaths that I take is by the moments that take my breath away.

Life is precious. Every moment is precious. I encourage you to feel the urgency to experience your inner divine connection. If you want guidance from me with that, just let me know. I love you.



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