Follow Your Dreams – Part 4

After three years of University, I contemplated what I wanted to do after one more year. I wrote a wish list of goals for things that I want to do with my life. The list included cycling around the world, being a Peace Corps Volunteer, and many more dreams. The list became quite large and far more than would be conceivably possible in one life time. I felt trepidation about bicycling around the world soon. It seemed prudent to allow myself more time for preparation and for finances.

Meanwhile, I saw the opportunity to be a Peace Corps Volunteer after graduating from University. When I applied, they told me that I would be accepted immediately, even without the two years of post-University experience which are normally required. I reasoned that I could complete two or three years as a Peace Corps Volunteer, then bicycle around the world afterwards. I figured that medical school and my dream of being a doctor could wait until after bicycling around the world.

I want to mention an aside now. Throughout my life, I discovered many things about myself. For example, I discovered that I am meant to be a leader and visionary and to inspire and help people. These factors helped to motivate me to want to be a lifeguard, to be a doctor, to teach taiji , yoga, nutrition, health, fitness and vitality, to be an educator, to be a spiritual teacher and healer, etc. This was important to mention, but that’s a different story.

Who will you be when you unlock your potential?

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